Event Management

Event management and online registration made just for nonprofits!

Supercharge your nonprofit by creating, maintaining and executing your events with an event management system designed solely for nonprofits. Creating an event takes minutes, sharing the event takes seconds and managing the event is painless!

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Event Sample
Events Management

Event Management

Create your events with our online Drag’N’Drop editor with no technical or design skills needed. Events will track and capture all donor information as well as their purchases.

Supporters and donors can easily purchase tickets or register online for any of your organization’s events. Tickets are all digital and sent online as well as a QR code for easy check-in and processing!

Create sponsorship opportunities, multi-tiered tickets (ex. VIP, Standard, Early Access) and free tickets all in one place. Our smart system allows for advanced options like ticket purchase min/max, time limits and much more!

Our simple yet highly robust Drag’N’Drop editor allows you to create beautiful events in minutes.

Print or display QR codes for every ticket with all ticket details at check-in.

Manage and organize multiple events for all past, present and future events!

Share all your events with direct share links to make sure you maximize your marketing and outreach.

Easily embed ticket sales directly on to your website, blog, social media and partner websites!

All online events are automatically mobile ready to make sure the event looks good on any device, not just your computer!

Get Started Today!

Experience a smarter way to run your organization

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